Sparketype Review

Your Sparketype® is your unique imprint for the work that makes you feel most alive.

When you've lost the spark in your career, it's often because something about your work simply doesn't quite match who you are & how you naturally work best. And that's where your Sparketype comes in.

Your Sparketype is the imprint for the work that makes you feel most alive. Really understanding your Sparketype is one of the best ways to help you make career decisions that make you feel the most energized & fulfilled - and the least drained & uninspired.

You'll be able to see exactly what might be aligned or not aligned in your current job (and why), and make the right decisions to bring your work back in line with what most energizes, inspires and fulfills you.

So if you feel stuck, frustrated, tired and uninspired in your work, but don't know why, then the Sparketype Assessment is your ideal first step to career clarity. 

Discover Your Sparketype & Book a Sparketype Review Session:

As a Certified Sparketype Advisor, I specialize in helping passionate professionals like you really understand who you are at a deeper level using the lens of Sparketypes - and then connect everything about who you are to the type of work that makes you feel the most alive and energized. 

Get started on your journey to career clarity by taking the Sparkeype Assessment and booking a 60 minute review session. The assessment is free and the review session is $90 US (cost applied to a next step coaching package). It's the best way to learn how to start making decisions around your career that lead you more towards feeling alive and sparked, and away from feeling frustrated & tired. 

Take the Sparketype Assessment & Book Your Review Session Now

When you sign up, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to take the assessment & book your session:

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