Career Search Analysis

Stuck & frustrated in your job search or uncovering your right career direction? 

Get started on your path to career clarity and moving past all those job search roadblocks with a free 45 minute Career Search Analysis call.

This free 45-minute one-on-one session is an opportunity to share your career direction or job search challenges and goals with a career coach and former recruiter, and get some expert feedback and guidance on where you're at now, what might be blocking you, and your ideal next steps. I look forward to meeting you!

Book Your Career Search Analysis Now

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Hi! I'm Nicole

I'm a Senior Professional Career Coach, Certified Sparketypes Advisor, and Regional Manager for the International Association of Career Coaches. 

I combine my 20 years of experience in marketing, recruiting, career development, interviewing and resume writing to help passionate professionals like you identify the type of work that makes you feel alive, clarify your career direction, and provide the positioning and support you need to navigate the job search maze. 

I know that finding a career direction you love is possible because I’ve spent my 20 year marketing & recruiting career searching for ways to “fix” my work by connecting who I am to everything I do – whether it was my marketing job, consulting business, or coaching career.

Plus, I've helped hundreds of passionate professionals, coaches, consultants and solopreneurs spark their work through my own programs and as a coach instructor for Martha Beck's Wayfinder Coach Training and The Soul's Calling Academy.

Today, I combine all of my experience and expertise in marketing, recruiting, career development, interviewing and resume writing to help other frustrated professionals align who they are with work they love - and then position them to have the best possible chance of landing that ideal job. 

I would love to support you on your career journey. Get started by signing up for a Career Search Analysis today!

Flowers in Chania